What is a Premature Ejaculation & Is It Treatable?

What is premature ejaculation? A recent study between 500 men found that the Average Ejaculation Time for a man to ejaculate within sexual intercourse is more than 5 minutes. This amount can be much longer for some men who are having intercourse with multiple partners. International sexual guidelines define premature ejaculation to be when a man ejaculates within one minute of penetration.

Although this condition is embarrassing and can cause embarrassment for the partner, it is very common in men. Although it is commonly called premature ejaculation, this condition does not begin or progress during the sexual act itself. Men can have problems with delaying ejaculation throughout their life.

What is Premature Ejaculation & How it Ruins Your Relationship?

For example, if a man starts to have sexual activity earlier than his partner and then waits to finish, this can become a problem. As men continue to delay ejaculation, they may become frustrated and will seek out other methods to satisfy their sexual needs without ejaculating prematurely.

One of the most common factors for early ejaculation is masturbation. If you are able to climax quickly during masturbation, then this can lead to a delay in ejaculation. Some men even find that during sexual intercourse they begin to feel very excited and then can experience premature ejaculation. This is why premature ejaculation can become a problem if you are trying to have intercourse.

Men who know what is premature ejaculation and its feeling are always afraid of doing sex with partner because they feel that it could ruin their relationship. If you do not have a healthy relationship, then you could actually ruin it. Because this condition is not viewed very seriously by many people, they often treat it as just another thing that happens to men over time. They feel that the only time a man could become frustrated is during ejaculation and they do not see how the problem can affect a person's life negatively. Many men will avoid having sex for fear that they may have premature ejaculation and therefore they cannot please their partner.

Many people believe that the best way to deal with premature ejaculation is to get rid of masturbation altogether. However, most doctors would suggest that men try some exercises that have them thinking about their sexual feelings and then practicing them before and during their sexual encounter.

Is Premature Ejaculation Treatable?

There are many people who is searching that "Is Premature Ejaculation Treatable" and the simple answer Yes, it can be treated, however, some men will take matters into their own hands. to deal with the problem. Many people have learned to masturbate in order to stop themselves from having premature ejaculation.

This is a method that has proven to be effective, especially when the man is able to control his ejaculation for a while. Other men may also resort to a practice called Kegel exercises which involves tightening the muscles in the pelvic area in order to control ejaculation (what is premature ejaculation). It can be very helpful for some men to perform this exercise before, during and after a sexual encounter. Some men have even found that using a combination of these techniques can be beneficial.

Premature ejaculation can be caused by several different conditions. If you are worried about your condition, then talk with your doctor about ways you can prevent or reduce the severity of the condition. These types of treatments can include surgery, natural remedies and self-help methods.

To delay the ejaculation, people also used Viagra that is one of the solutions of Premature Ejaculation. You can read here about how to find best Viagra pills for Men in India 

When a surgical procedure is required, then the surgeon will be able to examine the areas around your reproductive organs and make sure that they are healthy enough to allow for a successful surgery. This type of surgery is known as Vaginoplasty and the surgeon will use a small instrument to remove the damaged tissues. in order to achieve the desired effect.

In the case of surgery, there are many options available. The most common one is the Laparoscopic procedure and it is the second most common surgical treatment for this condition after laser removal of the prostate gland. Another option is calling the Essure.

Surgery is often the last option for treating this condition, but many men still prefer it. Surgery can be very expensive, however, it can be the best choice when trying to treat it effectively.

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